Revised and approved on January 18th, 2006
Modified on February 16th, 2006
Prepared by Laura Gaffney, Interim Secretary
Modified, February 8th, 2007: SGW, State Liaison
Modified & Adopted by Membership: July 28th, 2008
Amended June 18th, 2011
Amended March, 24th, 2013
Amended March 18th, 2014
Amended March 21st, 2017
Amended August 17, 2021
The Hillsborough County Young Democrats is an organization dedicated to increasing
political awareness and activism among Democrats between the ages of 14 to 40 in
Hillsborough County. The Hillsborough County Young Democrats helps its members
develop leadership techniques, promote Democratic Party principles, obtain elected
offices and work on issues that are important to the citizens of Hillsborough County.
Article I – Name
The name of the organization shall be the Hillsborough County Young Democrats. It
may hereinafter be referred to as the Hillsborough County Young Democrats, HCYD, or
the organization.
Article II
Section 1 –
The HCYD shall support the nominees of the Democratic Party in national, state and
local campaigns. The organization shall promote the ideology of the Democratic Party
and work to continuously shape the issues and message of the Democratic Party.
Section 2 –
The HCYD shall develop leadership among people aged 14 to 40. The organization
shall encourage members to become city, county board members, candidates for office,
or participants in the election process.
Section 3 –
The HCYD shall make every reasonable effort to maintain and promote harmony within
the ranks of the Democratic National Committee, the Florida Democratic Party, and the
local Democratic Executive Committees, which may hereinafter be referred to as DEC.
Section 4 –
The HCYD shall encourage members to join their local DECs.
Section 5 –
This organization shall maintain permanent records including credentials, financial
records, minutes of HCYD meetings, reports of the Executive Committees, official
correspondence and other pertinent materials.
A. HCYD committee officers shall retain all of the above materials generated during
their respective terms of office until the completion of their terms.
B. Upon completion of the term of office, each Executive Committee member shall
deposit accumulated records with the incoming Chair, who shall maintain such files for
the information of the succeeding Executive Committee officers.
C. Records shall be open to review by any member of the HCYD upon written request.
Members must be advised that their contact information may be shared. All records
must be kept in, or transferred to, a digital format.
Article III – Affiliation
The organization shall affiliate with and become part of the Florida Young Democrats
(hereinafter may be referred to as FYD). It shall operate under the auspices of the FYD
Constitution and By-Laws. The organization may also affiliate and participate in the
Hillsborough County Democratic Executive Committee and the Florida Democratic
Article IV – Membership
Section 1-
Anyone who professes and demonstrates allegiance to the Democratic Party shall be
eligible for membership. Membership requires the candidate to be between the ages of
16 and 40 and either reside, be registered to vote in, work, or attend school in
Hillsborough County. Eligible voters must be registered as Democrats or sign a loyalty
oath professing allegiance to the Democratic Party. New members provide contact
information to include name, address, and date of birth. This information must be
provided via photographic identification, i.e. Student ID/Drivers License. Phone numbers
and email addresses are required. If a member does not have an email address, one
shall be provided. Once meeting new membership requirements, a new member will be
granted all benefits of active membership immediately.
Section 2 – Active/Inactive Membership
A. Active Membership – Shall consist of those between the ages of 16 and 40 whom
remain active in the organization. ‘Active’ consists of attendance of at least 1 meeting
every 6 months and is current on dues paid. An active member has voting privileges.
B. Inactive Membership- Shall consist of those whom do not remain active as defined in
Paragraph A. These members shall not have voting privileges and not have influence
on quorum numbers.
Section 3– Reinstatement of Active Membership (Inactive to Active)
Active membership shall be reinstated upon the inactive member satisfying the
requirements of active membership.
Section 4 – Expulsion of Members
Members may be expelled by a 75% vote of the active membership for disloyalty to the
Democratic Party, or for conduct, either criminal or degrading in character, at a special
meeting called for this purpose. Such a meeting may be called by: the President,
majority vote of the Executive Committee or by a petition signed by the majority of the
active membership. Prior to such meeting, the member shall be sent notice in writing.
Such notice shall be sent 14 days prior to the expulsion meeting, via certified mail to the
address on file with the Secretary. The member shall have the opportunity to appear
before the active membership and address the charges against them. Failure by the
member to appear shall not prevent such a vote from taking place providing the
member has been given sufficient notice.
Section 5 – Anti-discrimination Policy
Determination of membership in the HCYD may not be based on grounds of race, color,
creed, sex, national origin, physical disability, religion, or sexual orientation or gender
Article V – Officers
Section 1- Elected Officers
The elected officers of the organization shall consist of a President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Membership Director, and Campaign
Section 2 – Duties of Officers
The duties of the officers shall be outlined in the Bylaws of the organization.
Section 3 – Election of Officers
A. The officers shall be elected every year by majority vote of all active members
present, and hold office until either:
a. the end of their term.
b. he or she resigns;
c. or is involuntary removed from office.
B. In the event a position becomes vacant, the
President may appoint an interim officer to serve the remainder of the term, after being
confirmed by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The President may also elect
to hold a special election in lieu of appointing an interim officer.
1. In the event the Office of President becomes vacant prior to the Annual Meeting, the
Vice President shall become President and fulfill the remainder of the term, or a special election for President may be held by a majority vote.
2. All vacancies shall be filled within 60 days of the position becoming vacant.
C. An Officer may be involuntarily removed from office through a vote of 75% vote of
active membership present at a Membership Meeting. All active membership must be
notified at least 14 days prior to a vote to remove an officer. Prior to such meeting, the
officer will be notified in writing.
Article VI – Executive Committee
Section 1 – Composition
There shall be an Executive Committee composed of elected and appointed officers.
Voting members of the Executive Committee shall include: President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Membership Director, and Campaign
Section 2 – Function
The Executive Committee shall constitute the governing body of the HCYD. It shall also
act as the general managing, supervisory and administrative body for the HCYD.
Section 3 – Meetings
Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at such times and places and upon
such occasion as the Executive Committee may decide, or as the President may specify
upon at least two days notice. The Executive Committee may choose to meet and vote
Article VII – Meetings
Section 1 – Election Meeting
The Election Meeting of the organization is to be held annually. For the 2014 calendar
year, the Election Meeting shall be held in May. In calendar years 2015 and beyond, the
Election Meeting shall be held in March. Election of Officers will take place at the
Election Meeting.
Section 2 – Membership Meetings
Membership meetings shall be held no less than once a quarter. At the discretion of the
Executive Board, membership meetings can be held more frequently, up to once
monthly. The Election Meeting shall constitute as the regular meeting in the month it is
Section 3 – Special Meetings
Special Meetings of the organization shall be held upon such time, place, and date as
the President or a majority of the Executive Committee decides.
Section 4 – Conducting Business and Quorum
All business will be conducted at meetings, as defined above. Quorum consists of 30%
of all active members.
Article VIII – Dues
Section 1 – Annual Dues
Each member of the organization shall pay annual dues. Dues are good through one
year from payment. The Treasurer shall be responsible for collection of dues. Dues
structure is defined in the HCYD By Laws.
Section 2 – Special Fees
Special fees may be charged at the discretion of the Executive Committee
Article IX – Voting
Section 1 – Eligibility
Upon the consideration of any matter or question put to vote, only active members who
are current on their dues shall be entitled to vote.
Article X – Elections
Section 1 – Eligibility
A. Only active members who have paid dues and are in good standing can run for office
or vote on election of officers.
B. New members, or those whose dues have expired for at least six months, must
complete all requirements of membership, including the payment of dues, at least 7
days before a schedule election, in order to be eligible to vote, subject to the following
a. By unanimous consent of all dues paying members present at an election
meeting, new members shall be allowed to vote if their attempt to join the club is
deemed to be in good faith by those present.
C. Members who were previously dues paying, and have had their dues expired for less
than six months, will be allowed to renew their membership at the election meeting. The
Membership Director and Treasurer shall jointly maintain a list of recently expired
D. Within 3 days of a scheduled election, the President shall submit a list of all eligible
voting members, as well as expired members who are eligible for election day renewal,
to the Florida Young Democrats.
Section 2- Notice
Notice of annual elections shall be provided at least 25 days in advance of the election
by email to the HCYD mailing list, and shall include the date, time, and location of the
election, as well as a list of the offices up for election.
Section 3 – Nomination to run for office
A. A member may declare candidacy to run for office by either
a. Notification to the Executive board at least 48 hours in advance
b. Nomination by another member in good standing at the Elections Meeting which must
be seconded.
Section 4 – Elections Procedure
A. Elections for officers will be conducted by Secret Ballot
B. Elections shall be conducted by the President, unless the President is running for reelection.
In such case, it shall be held by the highest ranking member of the Executive
Board who is not running for re-election. In the event that all members of the Executive
Board are running for re-election, the election shall be conducted by 2 members in good
standing who are not running for elected office.
C. The winner will be determined by 50% +1 of the election. If no candidate receives the
required number of votes, an immediate run-off election will take place between the two
candidates with the highest number of votes.
D. If case of a tie, a run-off election will be held. The candidate with the most votes will
be declared the victor. If no candidate receives the most votes, a coin flip will decide the
Section 4– Proxy Voting
Proxy voting is prohibited.
Article XI – Endorsement Policy
Section 1 – Endorsement of Candidates for Public Office
The organization may endorse a constitutional amendment, a ballot initiative, or a
candidate for public office after candidate qualifying has closed for the particular office,
by a 2/3rd vote of active membership present at a meeting, provided quorum is present
and the active members were notified in writing, electronically or otherwise, at least 7
days prior to the vote.
Section 2 – Restrictions on Endorsement Pursuant to FYD Charter
This organization shall abide by the restrictions on endorsements contained in the FYD
Charter. This organization may only endorse the Democratic nominee in general
Article XII – Bylaws
Section 1 – Adoption and Amendments
The organization may adopt such bylaws, as from time to time, it shall deem necessary.
Bylaws shall be adopted and amended by a majority vote of active members in good
standing present and voting at a regular meeting provided that the changes were
presented 7 days prior to next meeting. Changes to the Bylaws will be accepted by a
majority vote, provided quorum is present.
Article XIII – Amendments to the Constitution
Section 1 – Procedure
This constitution may be amended by majority vote of active members present and
eligible to vote at any membership meeting of the HCYD; provided that the exact
amendment was presented in writing, electronically or otherwise, to the active members
at least 7 days in advance. Changes to the Constitution will be accepted by a majority
vote, provided quorum is present.
Section 2 –
No article, section or portion of the HCYD Constitution or the HCYD Bylaws may be
waived or set-aside except by amendment as provided in this article.
Section 3 –
An amendment to the HCYD Constitution or the HCYD Bylaws shall become effective
immediately upon its adoption.
Section 4 –
All amendments shall be provided in writing to all active members prior to voting on said
Article XIV – Parliamentary Authority
Section 1 –
The President shall decide on formality of the meeting. If the President requires the
meeting to be formal, Roberts Rules of Order, newly revised edition shall govern.